British actress and singer Jane Birkin dies at age 76

 July 17, 2023

British actress and singer Jane Birkin, who inspired the famous Hermès handbag bearing her name and became a fixture of popular French culture, passed away on Sunday at the age of 76.

The French Culture Ministry confirmed Birkin's passing and praised her as a "timeless Francophone icon."

Birkin had recently cancelled multiple concerts due to health issues, but there was no sign that the concerns were particularly serious.

Culture minister Rima Abdul Malak tweeted that, "The most French of Britons is gone. Jane B was mischief, impertinent elegance, the never-outdated emblem of an entire era, a murmuring voice that remains our idol."

Birkin died at her Paris home, and while we don't have details on what caused her death, we do know that she suffered a mild stroke in 2021.

Regardless, Birkin will be missed especially by her two daughters, singer-actresses Charlotte Gainsbourg and Lou Doillon.