Brett Favre In Full Support Of Tucker Carlson

 May 10, 2023

Don't worry about the fact that Brett Favre is in the middle of a lawsuit accusing him of taking funds designated for poor families and redirecting it to his daughter's college volleyball arena, His name still carries weight.

And who's he throwing that weight behind these days?

Tucker Carlson.

The National Football League legend who is widely considered one of the best players of all-time recently appeared on Newsmax and publicly put forth a ringing endorsement of Tucker Carlson.

Favre was perplexed as to why Fox News would cancel the "highest-rated show on cable TV, on talk show TV." He did concede, however, that networks like Fox News are "worth a lot of money and have tons of power, so they have the right to do what they want."

Still, Favre doesn't think that Tucker should be out of a job for long, and even encouraged a partnership between Carlson and Newsmax. He added that his impression is that Tucker is "just a genuine good guy."