New Trump Video Totally Blasts DeSantis...

 May 26, 2023

Oh wow, you guys! It's getting good in the political news world.

Former President Donald Trump hopped on his social media platform Truth Social to make the case that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is an imposter.

Trump's post comes in the wake of DeSantis launching his campaign for the White House this week.

"The Washington established politicians like to talk about how they can be just like Donald Trump. The truth? There’s only one Donald Trump," Trump's ad, which showed images of DeSantis, stated.

The ad’s narrator went on:

Only one who gave us the largest tax cuts in history. Who gave vets the health care they deserve and stood up to China and protected your job. Only one who kept us out of endless wars while destroying our terrorist enemies. Only one who fundamentally changed the Supreme Court, was called the most pro-life president in history, and relentlessly protected our Second Amendment rights and our borders.

"Why would we ever settle for Trump imposters?" the narrator asked.

The ad then cuts to a clip in an ad from four years ago when DeSantis was pro MAGA and running to become Florida's governor.


Watch Trump's ad here: