Both Joe and Hunter Biden received $5M in bribery scheme

 June 12, 2023

President Joe Biden was paid a massive $5 million by an executive inside a Ukrainian natural gas firm named Burisma Holdings.

Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was on the board of Burisma Holdings.

The long-fought-over FD-1023 form was finally made available to the House Oversight Committee, and it confirmed the worst.

The form, dated June 30, 2020, outlined the FBI's interview with what they called a "highly credible" source who detailed several meetings and conversations.

The source detailed conversations they had with a top Burisma executive over many years, beginning in 2015 when Biden was vice president.

The form FD-1023 includes details of a criminal "pay-for-play" bribery scheme between President Biden and a foreign national that influenced United States policy decisions.

"It's important to note that an FD-1023 form is a routine document used by the FBI to record unverified information given to agents by confidential sources," reported RadarOnline.

"The Burisma executive allegedly asked the confidential source about gaining the rights to U.S. oil and how to get involved with a U.S. oil company," RadarOnline reports.

"The executive also reportedly discussed Hunter's role on the board, revealing the now first son was 'dumb' when asked by the source why they needed his or her advice if they had connections to Biden's son," reported RadarOnline about the document.

The Burisma executive said that the company was to "pay the Bidens" because Burisma was being investigated by Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

The Bidens were paid and instructed to help with the investigation form Shokin.

When the source suggested the Burisma "pay the Bidens $50,000 each," the Burisma executive responded that the amount was "$5 million," "not $50,000."

The Burisma executive told the FBI that he "paid" the Bidens "through so many different bank accounts" that anyone investigating the case wouldn't be able to "unravel this for at least 10 years."