Bloomberg host admits Biden doesn't want 'actual questions' on the economy

 August 14, 2023

President Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, which put America further in the hole, has generated controversy over the fact that it didn't actually reduce Biden's record inflation.

According to Breitbart, Jonathan Ferro, co-host of Bloomberg’s Surveillance, discussed Biden recently admitting that he believes the bill was misnamed "because it has less to do with reducing inflation than it does to do with dealing with providing for alternatives that generate economic growth."

"Republicans could have written this for him. … [W]asn’t that the complaint on the other side of the aisle down in Washington before this got passed?" Ferro said.

Show co-host Lisa Abramowicz responded to Ferro's statement.

"So, everyone was saying it was called the Inflation Reduction Act to get it passed, because how can you vote against the Inflation Reduction Act at a time where you’ve got the fastest pace of inflation going back 40 years, who’s going to fight against bringing down inflation? And now people are wondering how much this is actually fueling some of the sustained growth that we’ve continued to see," she said.

Abramowicz added, "Look, either way, he’s saying the quiet parts out loud, right? And the issue is, it is fueling some growth and he’s trying to now put the emphasis on that."

"He wants to own the growth because inflation is coming down," Ferro said quickly.

That's when co-host Tom Keene jumped in, which ultimately triggered Ferro's claim that Biden doesn't want "actual questions" on the economy.

"I think the president could go on Wall Street Week with Larry Summers. It would be interesting, the balance here between inflation and growth," Keen said.

"I’m not sure the president wants actual questions at the moment, Tom. You know how that works," Ferro said.

Pushing positive messaging on "Bidenomics" and touting new growth numbers has been a number one priority for the administration in recent weeks, just as the president slowly ramps up his 2024 campaign efforts. The president has spoke at several small events praising his "Bidenomics" and claiming its working.

Meanwhile, for a vast majority of hard-working Americans, groceries are still getting more expensive and gasoline prices are skyrocketing again, so it's difficult for many to get on board with such propaganda.

Only time will tell if Biden can convince voters that things will get better in his next term, but so far it's not working.