Bill Maher weighs in on whether Trump should go to jail
Now that Donald Trump has been found guilty on 34 felony counts, America's favorite pastime has become guessing what could possibly happen next to America's former president.
Bill Maher is the latest high-profile personality to get in on the action.
"Here's the key question: is he going to jail? Will this judge dare do that? And should he?" Bill Maher asked on his show Friday night.
"I mean, I've heard some people say if his name wasn't Donald Trump, he would definitely get jail time. But sending a former American president to jail, I don't know if that's something- I'm asking," Maher continued.
One of his guests, former Obama adviser David Axelrod, seemed a lot more reluctant to send Trump behind bars than most liberals are these days:
"Listen, a lot of people in my tribe don't like it when I say this, but yeah, I think there is something about jailing a former president, especially on something like this," Axelrod told Maher. "That is, to me, worrisome for our country. And I would really be shocked if this judge gave him a prison sentence for this."
Maher responded, "I mean, MAGA nation will go nuts. I don't know if that's a reason to do or not to do something, but they will."