Bill Barr asked whether Hunter Biden case should have a special counsel

 August 7, 2023

Many believe that at the very least, a special counsel should be appointed by President Joe Biden's Justice Department to oversee the investigation into his son, Hunter Biden.

According to Fox News, former Attorney General William Barr was asked the same question, which he at first hesitated to fully answer but finally gave in.

However, he suggested that Hunter Biden's actions can be "shameful without being illegal," stressing that he believes the case is legitimate, but that it could be difficult to prove a crime occurred.

"Things can be shameful without being illegal, and yes, I think it’s grotesque the cashing in on the office like that, apparently. I think it’s legitimate. It has to be investigated as to whether there was a crime there and that’s one of the things I’m concerned about is that it was thoroughly investigated after I left," Barr said.

Fox News noted:

"Some of the whistleblowers raised concerns in my mind," Barr added, seemingly pointing to the congressional testimony of two IRS whistleblower agents – Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler – who detailed to Congress how the Biden Justice Department allegedly quashed the probe into the president's son.

Barr finally weighed in on the idea of appointing a special counsel to handle the investigation.

"In order to appoint a special counsel, you should have or ought to have a conflict of interest. I had no conflict of interest investigating Hunter Biden," Barr said.

He added, "If there was a conflict it would be Garland’s. And he had to make the decision when he took office of whether or not it could be fairly handled within the department or whether or not a special counsel was necessary. "

Barr, who has long fallen out of favor with the former president's massive base of support, was ridiculed across social media for the statement.

"No one. Literally no one should care about anything Barr has to say about anything. He's a pathetic, underminer of the Constitution," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "I care about what Bill Barr has to say about as much as what King Tut had to say about race relations. If he isn’t the poster tubby for the Swamp, I don’t know who would be more likely. Maybe Mitch, but I’m not going to make fun of him. He should go home and retire."

Barr took a beating from Trump's base after also saying Sunday that he's willing to testify against the former president in the case related to his alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

He wouldn't say if he had cooperated with Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation.