Biden's Education System Is TERRIFYING Parents - Stripped Of Rights...

 May 18, 2023

Another day, and another elementary school teacher is showing students inappropriate content. Incidents like this seem to be more and more common.

In Hernando County, FL, a Winding Waters K-8 school fifth-grade teacher showed her students a pro-LGBTQ Disney movie.

Shannon Rodriguez, a parent of a student who attends the school, attended a recent school board meeting and protested fifth-grade teacher Jenna Barbee’s decision to show the content to her students.

"It is not a teacher’s job to impose their beliefs upon a child, religious, sexual orientation, gender identity, any of the above," Rodriguez said.

"But allowing movies such as this assist teachers in opening a door — and please hear me — they assist teachers in opening a door for conversations that have no place in our classrooms," Rodriguez added.

Barbee made an incredibly offensive statement to all parents in America on CNN when she took to the air to say that parents are stripped of their rights when the child enters the public school system.

Barbee's comments came on CNN This Morning:

"We had played that for the viewers in the introduction, but I just want to give you a chance to respond," CNN host Poppy Harlow said.

"Yes, so, that’s — what she’s missing and what these parents are missing is, they’re not in the school system. That just shows me that she’s ignorant and has not come and volunteered at all because our — these conversations, these doors, they’re open," said Barbee.

"These students have one-to-one devices. The amount of things that they’re able to pull up that we have to shut down, they – they — these conversations, these doors that she’s talking about, that’s telling you I’m stripping her rights as a parent, those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system because there are students talking about these things. It’s where they get 90 percent of their socialization for the day. And we can’t shut down every conversation every child has," Barbee said.