Biden used at least three aliases and sent private emails to Hunter Biden about Ukraine

By Jen Krausz on
 August 19, 2023

President Joe Biden had at least three aliases that he used to send private messages and emails to family members including Hunter Biden, to whom he sent emails about Ukraine business in which he has said over and over again he wasn't involved.

Now the House Oversight Committee wants to see all the communications involving the three aliases -- Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware -- and find out what else Biden might have been hiding.

The committee already has some of the emails due to Hunter Biden's laptop contents having been made public, but wants to see emails involving Devon Archer and Eric Schwerin, Biden's business partners.

It turns out Hunter Biden was looped into his father's meetings with Ukraine leaders while he was on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company.

Hunter wasn't routinely copied on his father's schedule, but it seemed to happen only when Biden was going to have dealings with officials from Ukraine.

It looks an awful lot like fishy things were going on when Joe Biden was vice president, and somehow none of it managed to come to light until way after it was too late to do anything about it.