Biden Top Dog Going Down After Refusal To Comply With Subpoena

 May 8, 2023

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is refusing to comply with a subpoena demanding the State Department hand over a July 2021 dissent cable from the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Republican Representative Michael McCaul of Texas is threatening to hold Blinken in contempt for his refusal to comply.

McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has been saying since late 2021 that the Biden administration has been repeatedly stonewalling his investigations into the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal ended with a chaotic evacuation, a Taliban takeover, hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afghan allies left behind, and 13 U.S. service members killed in an ISIS-K suicide bombing, and McCaul has been investigating the events surrounding the withdrawal since.

"McCaul is fed up with Blinken repeatedly refusing to hand over an internal dissent cable that was signed by two dozen U.S. Embassy members in Kabul and sent to the State Department in mid-July 2021, just over a month before the Taliban took Kabul. The dissent cable is known to have criticized the State Department’s planning for the evacuation and warned that Kabul could collapse soon after the U.S. troop withdrawal," according to the Washington Examiner.

"Blinken won’t hand over the cable, despite McCaul’s congressional subpoena in late March, which compelled the State Department to hand over an unredacted version of 'the Dissent Channel cable sent on or about July 13, 2021, reportedly signed by 23 State Department officials, and the official response to it,'" reports the Examiner.

McCaul wrote in a Friday letter that the subpoena "must be complied with immediately" and said "should you fail to comply, the Committee is prepared to take the necessary steps to enforce its subpoena, including holding you in contempt of Congress and/or initiating a civil enforcement proceeding."