Biden senior aides Donilon and Dillon departing WH to oversee 2024 re-election campaign

By Jen Krausz on
 January 24, 2024

Two long-time senior aides to President Joe Biden, speech writer Mike Donilon and 2020 campaign head Jennifer O'Malley Dillon, will leave his administration to work on the 2024 re-election campaign full-time, the White House announced.

Donilon "is expected to play a central role in the campaign's messaging and paid media strategy," while O'Malley Dillon will focus on "organizing and execution of the campaign's path to 270 electoral votes — all under the leadership of campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez," the campaign said.

Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement, "We're thrilled to have their leadership and strategic prowess focused full-time on sending them back to the White House for four more years."

Biden said in a statement that the two have "served with dedication and purpose as we have delivered on a historic recovery."

He needs all the help he can get with his terrible poll numbers and public perception that he is to blame for inflation and the lackluster economy.

But if his campaign is drinking the Kool-Aid about a "historic recovery," there may be no hope there either.