Biden Sees 'Weak' Approval Numbers On Every Major Issue

 May 27, 2023

I can understand people being skeptical of survey results if they think the questions were being asked and reported on by some alt-right keyboard warrior who may or may not be telling the truth.

That's not who conducted this survey though. HARVARD conducted this survey. Even the surliest of liberals in America will admit that the results of Harvard surveys can probably be trusted.

That's why it's so alarming to the Democratic National Committee that Joe Biden is dealing with "weak" approval on nearly EVERY single major issue.

Harvard's poll found that Biden simply failed to gather positive results on any issue.

Less than half of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the economy.

Less than half of Americans approve of his fight against terrorism.

Less than half of Americans approve of the way he's "stimulating jobs."

Less than half of Americans approve of his handling of foreign affairs.

Less than half of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling immigration.

Two areas he did score over 50% in...?

MORE than half of Americans want him to change his border policies to be stricter, and more than half of Americans think Biden's policies are contributing to an increase in crime in America.