Biden Poll Numbers Could Doom Entire Democratic Party

 May 9, 2023

When even hardcore liberals are getting more and more worried about Joe Biden's leadership, you know things have gotten REALLY bad in America. Normally, liberals would go to the end of the earth telling lies and spouting slander to protect other Democrats.

However, Biden doesn't seem like he's going to be getting support like he's used to from liberals any time the near future. That's because he's become so unlikable, that it's damaging to be seen with him or endorsing him.

Democratic strategist Donna Brazille recently chastised her on party for not being able to "wake up" to what Biden's horrendous poll numbers really mean.

"I can only imagine what it is like inside the White House now, looking at the numbers in our poll this morning," said host George Stephanopoulos, referring to a recent poll showing Trump would defeat Biden in the general election.

"I was told I could not send the poll around until after 12 midnight. I sent it out at 12:02 because it kept me up and I thought they should wake up and look at those numbers. You know, it is not the age. I want to be 80 plus just so I can hang out with you," Brazille responded. She added:

It is sobering that the coalition that elected Joe Biden with the historic numbers that we saw in 2020, that coalition right now is fragmented. That should concern them. The second thing that should concern them of course is that they are still unable to get a real good strong message to the American people not just beyond the accomplishments but where they want to take the country.