Joe Biden's Narrative on Never Discussing Business With Hunter is Collapsing

 July 25, 2023

The narrative surrounding President Biden's involvement in his son, Hunter Biden's business affairs is undergoing intense scrutiny. Despite his insistent claims of unawareness about these dealings, recent allegations and testimonies are raising questions about his actual level of involvement. The mounting evidence appears to cast a shadow on President Biden's integrity and credibility.

The focus of these allegations is the involvement of President Biden in the business transactions of his son, Hunter Biden. This has been a topic of intense debate in the political landscape. To add fuel to the fire, Devon Archer, a longtime associate of Hunter Biden, is about to sit for an interview before members of Congress.

The session is scheduled for next week and anticipations are high. Archer, as the former business partner of Hunter Biden, is in a unique position to shed light on these alleged involvements. He is also expected to answer questions about the meetings of President Biden with Hunter's business associates during his term as vice president.

Noteworthy Testimony Expected from Devon Archer

Archer's testimony is highly anticipated. It's an opportunity to provide deeper insight into the contentious issue of Biden's involvement in his son's business affairs. As reported by Fox News Digital, Archer has been subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee. The upcoming interview may cast further doubts on Biden’s claims of ignorance regarding his son’s business interests and his influence over them.

These allegations are significantly contradicting the President's previous assertions. In August 2019, Biden vehemently denied discussing any business matters with his son or any other family members. This claim was repeated on several occasions.

"First of all, I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period," Biden said in August 2019.

Disturbing Revelations from IRS Whistleblowers

Adding to the complexity of this issue is the testimony released in June by the House Ways and Means Committee. The testimony came from two IRS whistleblowers. They raised serious concerns about potential political influences on the investigation into Hunter Biden.

The whistleblowers' testimonies pointed to interference from Justice Department, FBI, and IRS officials. This alleged interference was in connection with the investigation into Hunter Biden. This scenario was described by one of the whistleblowers, IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley. He mentioned a particular incident involving Hunter and his father pressuring a Chinese business partner.

"I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled," Hunter wrote in the WhatsApp message to Zhao, according to the documents.

Allegations of Influence Peddling by Bidens

In the wake of these revelations, there were reactions from top House Republicans. They categorized the WhatsApp messages as a "shakedown" by the Biden family. This is certainly a new development in the ongoing narrative surrounding the Bidens' involvement in potentially inappropriate business dealings.

These allegations are of serious concern. They have far-reaching implications not just for Hunter Biden, but also for the credibility and reputation of President Biden. If proven true, they could significantly affect public perception of his leadership.

Miranda Devine, a columnist for the New York Post and a Fox News contributor, reported on Sunday evening that Archer is expected to give crucial testimony. He will reportedly speak about meetings attended by both Hunter and Joe Biden. These meetings either took place in person or via telephone.

"And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction," Hunter said.

Implications for the Biden Family

With all these allegations and testimonies, there are many questions arising about the credibility of the Biden family. The narrative they have maintained about the separation of personal and political affairs seems to be crumbling. This has certainly sent shockwaves through the political landscape.

Key points from the article:

- President Biden's involvement in his son's business affairs is under scrutiny.
- Testimonies from Devon Archer and IRS whistleblowers are causing serious concerns.
- The President's claims of ignorance towards his son's business dealings are being questioned.
- Top House Republicans are describing Hunter Biden's actions as a "shakedown".
- The credibility of the Biden family is being seriously challenged.

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