Biden has ordered student loan forgiveness 3 times since Supreme Court struck it down

By Jen Krausz on
 December 28, 2023

The Washington Examiner pointed out on Thursday that President Joe Biden has ordered three more rounds of student loan forgiveness since the Supreme Court struck down his original plan to give most borrowers $10-20K in relief last year.

Just weeks after the Supreme Court ruling in July, Biden gave 804,000 borrowers $39 billion in relief as a fix to income-driven repayment plans that didn't count late, partial or deferred payments toward the program's requirements.

In October, another $9 billion in relief was given to mostly disabled borrowers and those who qualified for Public Service Loan Forgiveness programs.

Then, earlier this month, Biden forgave another $4.8 billion in loans as part of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

These smaller forgiveness programs were done under a different legal basis than the larger one addressed by the Supreme Court, and some are being challenged on those grounds by those concerned with large transfers of debt from individuals to taxpayers.

Biden seems determined to continue forgiving student loans in any way he can, despite the fact that it will increase public debt that will eventually need to be borne by taxpayers, even those who didn't take loans or didn't go to college.