Biden denies he was on speakerphone with son's business partners

 August 12, 2023

President Joe Biden has long maintained that he had no involvement in Hunter Biden's business dealings, nor did he speak with any of his son's business partners.

One would think that with the emerging contrary evidence to that claim that Biden would simply not comment on questions related to Devon Archer's previous bombshell testimony that the elderly Biden was well aware of the family's business.

According to Breitbart, it appears that Biden is sticking to his story, as he recently doubled down to reporters in telling them that he never spoke to any of his son's business partners while on speakerphone, which is in direct opposition to Archer's congressional testimony.

Breitbart noted:

Archer, Hunter Biden’s best friend in business, told House investigators in July that Hunter put then-Vice President Joe Biden on speakerphone more than 20 times with business associates to sell “the brand.”

The testimony was another bombshell after a series of previous revelations that linked Joe Biden much more closely to the alleged family influence-peddling business than ever before.

Not surprisingly, a vast majority of the mainstream media ignored Archer's testimony and the revelations that came from it. Fox News Channel's Peter Doocy was one of the only reporters to bring it up to the president during one of his recent speeches.

"There’s this testimony now where one of your son’s former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot with them, talking business. Is that what…?" Doocy said before the irritated president cut him off and insulted him.

"I never talked business with anybody, and I knew you’d have a lousy question," Biden shot back.

Doocy followed up by asking the president why he believes the question was "lousy."

"Because it’s not true," the elderly president shot back once more.

Breitbart noted that it was technically the tenth time that President Biden has denied any involvement in his son's lucrative, and plentiful foreign business transactions.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has led the House investigation into Hunter Biden's various deals and has unearthed mountains of evidence that seemingly implicates not only Hunter Biden, but also his father.

Only time will tell if President Biden is finally forced to tell the truth about his involvement.