Biden coalition of Blacks, Hispanics and young voters falling apart

By Jen Krausz on
 January 3, 2024

For the last several decades, Democrats could count on a coalition of Black, Hispanic, and young voters to give them an advantage in general elections.

As President Joe Biden looks toward the 2024 election, however, that coalition appears to be falling apart.

Former President Donald Trump now holds a lead among Hispanic and younger voters in a new USA Today/Suffolk poll.

Additionally, at least one in five Blacks has decided to support a third-party candidate in 2024. Only 63% of Black voters support Biden, down from 87% in 2020.

It seems like these groups are figuring out what lots of others have known for a long time: the Democrat party does not care about them and takes their votes for granted.

A shift like this is just what Republicans have needed to have any kind of chance to win a national election once again.