Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Speaks Out On Prospects For Immigration Reform

 May 5, 2023

Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona recently spoke out about some changes she feels the Biden administration should make when it comes to immigration reform.

Sinema argued that if the Biden administration wants Congress to pass the comprehensive immigration reform it  says is needed, "It would be most helpful if the administration would start by actually enforcing the laws that are on the books."

Sinema said endorsing the laws that are on the books would give members of Congress the confidence that problems can be fixed.

Fox News host Bret Baier asked "Okay, so what needs to happen? You’re working together, but what has to happen now? The comprehensive thing has never really transpired up on Capitol Hill. It just hasn’t happened."

Sinema answered, "Well, it’s so big that it’s hard and unwieldy to get done. But the reality is is there are a lot of bipartisan plans that we’ve been working on with some of our colleagues in the Senate and the House that could actually make a difference."

"It would be most helpful if the administration would start by actually enforcing the laws that are on the books," Sinema continued. "That would provide confidence — particularly to Republican members of the House and the Senate — that we could get something done."