Biden Blocked From Colluding With Big Tech

 July 5, 2023

On Tuesday, a federal judge concluded that Joe Biden's administration "likely violated the First Amendment by meeting with tech companies about social media censorship."


Under the guise of fairness and a battle against disinformation, Biden has been working all along to allow America's Big Tech even more ways to cover for liberals.

When the White House gets together with Big Tech, it doesn't create safety and fairness. It creates censorship against Republicans.

Elon Musk's Twitter files proved that.

The ruling temporarily "bans certain federal officials and agencies from contacting social media companies in efforts to suppress speech."

While the White House is already planning on appealing the ruling, America's conservatives are delighted.

Take Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, for instance, who said:

Today, we won an historic injunction against the Biden Administration, preventing it from censoring the core political speech of ordinary Americans on social media. The evidence in our case is shocking and offensive with senior federal officials deciding that they could dictate what Americans can and cannot say on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms about COVID-19, elections, criticism of the government, and more. Today’s historic ruling is a big step in the continued fight to prohibit our government from unconstitutional censorship. We look forward to continuing to litigate the case and will vigorously defend the injunction on appeal.