Biden Attempting To Move Space Command From Alabama

 May 18, 2023

Joe Biden is up to his dirty tricks again.

America's Space Command headquarters was supposed to be heading to Alabama, but reports have come up that President Joe Biden is ready to blackmail the state instead of letting the plan go through.

Instead of allowing government jobs to come to Alabama, Joe Biden is trying to block the move on account of the state's anti-abortion rules.

Presumably, he's trying to make Alabama change its core values before he's going to let the state benefit from anything the federal government is doing.

Senator Katie Britt, a Republican from Alabama, is appealing to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to uphold the government's word and stop Joe Biden from playing games with America's future. She said:

When you look at the City of Huntsville in the past two years, they have been ranked by U.S. News and World Report as the number 1 and number 2 place to live in the United States. The city has also been ranked number 3 in the most affordable places to live in the country, the number 3 city nationwide for best quality of life, and number 4 as the most prosperous place in America, and I could go on about Huntsville and all of the city’s accolades.

It makes perfect sense for America to put Space Command headquarters there. That's probably exactly why Biden is refusing to do it.