Biden administration ending genetic testing at border which will lead to more child sex trafficking

 May 28, 2023

President Joe Biden's Homeland Security Department has suspended genetic testing at the southern border, which is used to combat child sex trafficking, and now the House Oversight Committee is asking questions.

House Republicans wrote a letter to acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller which was released on Thursday that said, "Since 2019, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials have performed familial DNA testing on some family units to ensure the safety and security of minors and prevent them from being exploited by adults. This testing has led DHS to detect numerous attempts of familial fraud at the southern border."

The letter continued by saying, "Given the numerous identified cases and reports of exploitation of children in fraudulent family units, it is alarming that CBP will cease DNA testing for family units, which is an important tool to identify and prevent human trafficking and exploitation."

The situation at the border is out of control, and both drug and human trafficking have exploded thanks to President Biden's open border policies.

Rep. Glen Grothman (R-WI) told Just The News that, "The border is not under control of the Border Patrol. The border is under control by the Mexican drug cartels. And that is a reason why you should be especially concerned if a child is coming across with someone who is not related to them.”

The Biden administration must immediately explain why they are enabling human traffickers and putting children in more danger.