Biden admin files emergency petition with SCOTUS to revive student loan debt forgiveness program

 August 14, 2024

The White House and Democrats must be desperate for young voter support, as it once again pressed the U.S. Supreme Court on an issue that could do just that. 

According to The Hill, the Biden administration recently urged the high court to reinstate Biden's latest ridiculous student loan relief plan.

His Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan was halted by a lower court ruling earlier this year.

The SAVE plan was devised after the Supreme Court shot down the Biden administration's original student loan debt relief program in a 6--3 ruling.

The Biden administration enlisted U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar to beg the Supreme Court to temporarily lift the lower court ruling in the form of an emergency appeal.

"The rule is a straightforward exercise of the Department’s express statutory authority to set the parameters of income-contingent repayment plans — just as it has done for three decades," Prelogar wrote in her letter to the conservative majority high court.

The Hill noted:

If the Supreme Court is not inclined to intervene on their emergency docket, Prelogar alternatively requested the justices take up the legality of the plan on the merits and expedite consideration so oral arguments can be held this fall.

Challengers of the SAVE plan have until Monday to respond to the emergency appeal.

Those challengers include multiple groups of Republican attorneys general, "which each assert the large price tag requires clearer authorization from Congress," The Hill noted.

Social media users commented on the lower court's rejection of the plan and the Biden administration's actions in attempting to revive it.

"Good. They never should have tried again after the Supreme Court struck it down," one X user wrote, referring to the multiple attempts by the White House to get one of its related plans off and running.

Another X user wrote, "Great Win for America, AG Bailey! Thank you for your warrior spirit to stop this lunatic anti Constitutional Biden/Harris regime!"

Only time will tell if the Supreme Court decides to give the Biden administration the temporary relief.