Belizean politician Ivan Ramos passes away

 September 20, 2024

The people of Belize are certainly mourning right now.

Ivan Ramos, a Member of the Belize House of Representatives, has passed away.

His political career is probably most famous for what happened in June 2015, when he "resigned after controversially failing to retain his standard bearer status in Dangriga for the 2015 general election. A by-election to succeed Ramos was held on 8 July."

Ramos wasn't even out of politics for ten years by the time he died at age 58 in September 2024. defined Ramos has having a huge "heart for his community."

They spoke with Ivan's brother, Anthony Ramos, about the politician's passing:

Hon. Dr. Louis Zabaneh, the Mayor and Councillors, and the Executive of the PUP, along with supporters and the entire Dangriga Constituency, made a statement on behalf of the People's United Party:

"Оn bеhаlf оf Ноn. Dr. Lоuіѕ Zаbаnеh, Мауоr аnd Соunсіllоrѕ, Ехесutіvе, Ѕuрроrtеrѕ оf thе Реорlе’ѕ Unіtеd Раrtу, аnd thе еntіrе Dаngrіgа Соnѕtіtuеnсу, wе ехtеnd оur dеереѕt соndоlеnсеѕ tо thе fаmіlу оf Ноn. Іvаn Rаmоѕ. Мау hіѕ ѕоul rеѕt іn реасе аnd rіѕе іn glоrу."