'Bank records don't lie': Comer 'hopeful' more 'disturbing findings' revealed next week

By Jen Krausz on
 July 7, 2023

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Wednesday on Fox News that he is "hopeful" that more "disturbing findings" about President Joe Biden and the Biden family will be revealed next week.

During that interview, Comer said six of the 12 banks the committee has subpoenaed have provided records that the committee believes prove Biden and various family members got around $20 million dollars from agents of foreign businesses and government representatives.

"Bank records don't lie. People make a big issue out of taxes, people cheat on their taxes all the time. But it's hard to cheat on bank records," Comer said.

"We're hoping the Treasury will give us access to more bank violations that we believe would have information on the potential bribery charges that were alleged in the FBI document," Comer said Wednesday, referring to an FBI whistleblower report that detailed aspects of the alleged scheme.

The committee will also depose Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner at the time, soon as part of the investigation.

"Our investigation's moving along," he added.