Author Stephen King torched over comments made about attempted Trump assassination

 July 15, 2024

Anti-Trumpers came out of the woodwork over the past several days in the wake of the attempt on former President Donald Trump's life at a Pennsylvania rally.

According to Newsweek, author Stephen King, a rabid, hysterical Trump critic, sparked major backlash after his comments on the attempted assassination of the former president.

Like many on the left, King immediately made the issue about gun control and blamed Republicans in the same breath.

"An AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle was used in the Butler shooting. These are the guns the Republican Party—and Trump—want to protect," King wrote in a X post.

The post was swamped with replies to King's asinine statement, with some telling King, a raging liberal, to stay in his lane, as many gun control advocates know very little about firearms in general.

The author entered into several exchanges with people commenting on his post.

"For a fiction writer, Stephen King knows little about this subject. Stay your fictional lane," one X user wrote.

King, obviously triggered by the reply, responded, "Here’s what I know, as a responsible gun owner: Those people would be alive and Trump would be unwounded if all that crazy kid had access to was a butcher knife. Don’t tell me to stay in my f***ing lane. I’m an American. Are you, or are you a bot?"

Other social media users tore King up, and the author seemingly stopped replying to those calling him out. Probably because there were so many who did.

"You are a terrible human Stephen King. You want to make us all defenseless. You don’t punish innocent people for the sins of criminals," an X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Just stop. The fact that you are continuing your incendiary rhetoric shows how vile you are."

Liz Wheeler wrote, "If only we had laws against murder… oh wait, we do. But criminals violate laws. Banning guns would render law abiding citizens defenseless, while criminals would still illegally obtain guns to commit crimes. Also, we had an 'assault weapons' ban—it didn’t work, per Obama admin."

King has been a staunch anti-Trump critic for years, often expressing his poor takes in social media posts.