Army Veteran Found Dead 11 Days After Her Abusive Boyfriend Released on Parole

 July 15, 2023

Disturbing news comes from Minnesota as an Army veteran is found dead, a mere 11 days after her abusive boyfriend was released on parole. This tragic incident has sent shockwaves through the community and raised grave questions about the effectiveness of parole conditions in protecting victims of abuse. Many are left wondering how such an event could happen in a society that claims to prioritize the safety of its citizens.

This is a disheartening tale of a system that seems to have failed to protect its most vulnerable. Tragedy struck when the authorities discovered the deceased veteran, a response to a distress call that would turn out to be too late. You can read more about this tragic incident on Fox News, the original source of this report.

What adds a disturbing layer to this tale is the timing of this incident. The horrifying discovery was made less than two weeks after the parole release of her abusive boyfriend, a man with a history of violence and multiple domestic abuse convictions to his name.

Details Emerge About the Tragic Death of Army Veteran

Police identified the victim as Danicka Bergeson, 33, and her boyfriend, Matthew Scott Brenneman, 39, has been named as a suspect in her death. Found together in an apartment, the unfolding scene paints a grim picture of domestic violence that escalated to an unthinkable conclusion.

"On July 8, Hopkins police found Danicka Bergeson, 33, dead in an apartment with her boyfriend, 39-year-old Matthew Scott Brenneman, who has been named as a suspect in connection with her death," reports Fox News.

Danicka's father, David Bergeson, remembered his daughter as a vibrant woman with an infectious smile. The devastation in his voice was palpable as he described her unwavering sense of right and wrong.

"She had a huge smile. Really engaging," Danicka's father, David Bergeson, said. "Everything with her was always black or white. She knew exactly what was right and wrong. She never broke the rules. She really had a hard time with that."

The Troubling History of the Suspected Killer

The suspect, Brenneman, was not unfamiliar to the system. He had been convicted in two separate domestic abuse cases in June. As part of a parole agreement, he pledged not to contact Bergeson following his release from jail, a promise that tragically appears to have been broken.

"Brenneman pleaded guilty to two separate domestic abuse cases in June as part of a parole agreement in which he would not contact Bergeson after his release from jail pending a sentencing hearing scheduled for August," Fox News reports.

In a chilling recounting, it was revealed that Brenneman had pleaded guilty to physically assaulting Bergeson in April while intoxicated. Despite the severity of his crime, he was released a day later, only to assault Bergeson again in May.

The Struggle and Fear Experienced by the Victim

The couple's relationship was reported to be turbulent, with occurrences of on-and-off cohabitation. It was during one such argument that Bergeson asked Brenneman to leave, prompting an aggressive response that would leave her fearing for her life.

"Defendant responded by striking her with his fists several times and biting her. Defendant then proceeded to choke victim by placing his hands around her neck and reported difficulty breathing," the statement reads. "Victim reported being choked for approximately one minute and thirty seconds. While Defendant was choking Victim, Defendant stated he was going to kill her. Victim was in fear that he would act on this threat."

According to David Bergeson, his daughter struggled to sever ties with Brenneman, often blaming herself for the attacks. After the April incident, Bergeson reportedly partially blamed herself for the assault, leading many to question the insidious nature of the abuse she was enduring.

"After the attack in April, police said Bergeson partially blamed herself for the assault because she was intoxicated, the court documents read."

Her family desperately attempted to find her a safe haven, but their efforts were thwarted, culminating in the heartbreaking news of her death. This story, which began as a report of a disturbance, has now turned into a homicide investigation.

A Tragedy Under Investigation: Homicide Suspected

Hopkins police are treating Bergeson's death as a homicide, accusing Brenneman of violating the terms of his parole. As the investigation continues, the community remains on edge, mourning the loss of a vibrant young woman and grappling with the harsh realities of domestic abuse.

In conclusion, this tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the grim reality many victims of domestic abuse face:

- The tragic death of Army veteran Danicka Bergeson came just 11 days after the release of her abusive boyfriend on parole.
- The boyfriend, Matthew Scott Brenneman, was named a suspect in connection to her death.
- Brenneman had a history of domestic abuse, having pleaded guilty to two separate cases in June.
- Despite her attempts to leave and protect herself, Bergeson struggled with blaming herself for the incidents of abuse.

While this story has ended in the worst possible way, it serves as a call to action for all of us. Please share this story on your Twitter and Facebook to raise awareness about the pervasive issue of domestic violence and the need for more effective protective measures for victims.