Arkansas State Supreme Court Goes Conservative For First Time

 July 5, 2023

Thanks to Arkansas' Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, that state's Supreme Court is flipping conservative for the first time in history.

Sanders respectfully honored "legal titan" Democrat Supreme Court Justice Robin Wynne, who passed away a few weeks ago at the age of 70.

But that didn't mean she was going to sacrifice her morals and nominate a Democrat to replace him.

She's going with former U.S. Attorney Cody Hiland. Sanders said:

I am pleased to announce that I have selected another former prosecutor and a U.S. Attorney, Cody Hiland, for this role.

Sanders was cleary pumped about the work Hiland did when he "served as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas from 2017 to 2020." She declared:

Under his leadership, the office produced an unprecedented 82% increase in criminal cases in that time. Cody’s commitment to law and order is unparalleled. After the end of the Trump administration, Cody became chief legal counsel for the Arkansas Department of Public Safety. And last year, Cody stepped down from that role to join me in my campaign for governor. … Together, we crafted the Safer, Stronger Arkansas legislative package that I had the privilege of signing this year to clean up the crime on our streets. And after the campaign, our fellow Republicans selected Cody to lead the state party under this new administration.