AZ Supreme Court allows fetus to be labeled 'unborn human being'

 August 16, 2024

One of the ways that liberals in this country try to get people onboard with abortion is by trying to convince America that the little miracles growing inside their mothers for nine months aren't even human.

In order to trick people into thinking that abortion isn't killing babies, they will do things like refer to a fetus as a clump of cells or something similar.

People with a heart across America understand what they're trying to do, and it's not going to work any longer.

At least not in Arizona.

The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that an informational pamphlet for the state's voters who will decide whether abortion should be legal in the state this fall can refer to an embryo or a fetus as an "unborn human being."

This is a huge victory for people who don't like abortions.

An unborn child should have the same rights as the mother who is carrying them.