Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb barred from Mothers Against Drunk Driving event over conservative beliefs

 May 22, 2023

Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb revealed on Saturday that he was barred from attending a Mothers Against Drunk Driving event at which he had been invited to speak, simply because of his conservative politics.

Lamb stated, "We were pretty disappointed by a call we got yesterday. For those of you who don’t know, we lost our 22-year-old son our 11-month-old granddaughter and our soon-to-be daughter-in-law in a tragic car accident in December."

Lamb explained that the invitation had been rescinded because "The things that I stand for have offended a few people, people who don’t know me, who only listen to the media, have made a complaint to the national level MADD."

Lamb also pointed out that MADD "supports fair and equitable traffic safety enforcement. MADD recognizes that we must do better to address inequities in traffic stops." So apparently an organization dedicated to combating drunk driving is being subverted by leftist ideas.

Lamb is running for the U.S. Senate and promised to do his part to bring an end to wokeness infecting organizations like MADD.

This should be a wakeup call to conservatives to get involved in organizations at the local level. Woke leftists have taken over, and now conservatives like Lamb are being pushed out of traditionally non-partisan events.