Amy Coney Barrett may split conservatives on the Supreme Court

 June 20, 2024

Amy Coney Barrett was one of Donald Trump's most notable judicial appointments, but she may actually be the person who could cause the conservative majority some trouble at the Supreme Court.

Barrett has shown that she is definitely NOT the type of conservative some expected, as she hasn't been afraid to speak out against her fellow right-leaning justices when she feels the situation calls for it.

Even recently, Barrett has been clashing with Clarence Thomas, one of the fixtures of conservativism in the Supreme Court.

Thomas is the court's oldest and most conservative justice, and he has been squaring off against the youngest member of the panel.

Could Barrett be the person who breaks with conservatives and sides with liberals so that Republicans can't just get anything they want through the Supreme Court?

Republicans are praying it's not true while liberals are hoping Barrett gets more and more liberal with every ruling.

Do you think Barrett will continue to drift away from her conservative colleagues?

Or is this just a temporary divergence between Barrett and the rest of the Supreme Court conservatives?

Let us know your opinion by leaving us a comment below!