Alvin Bragg Calls Horrific Crime An 'Unspeakable Betrayal'

 December 28, 2023

The latest case involving Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg will leave you in shock.

23-year-old Khalid Barrow was convicted of killing his own cousin, 35-year-old Nissa Walcott.

Barrow strangled Walcott, hid her body, stole her money, and even went so far as to impersonate her.

For those crimes, Barrow has been sentenced to death.

Walcott’s 14-year-old son, who Barrow texted pretending to be Walcott, made an impact statement that will leave you in tears.

“My whole family is destroyed. It’s been trauma after trauma. It’s like it’s digging at my skin like someone’s nails just scratching,” said Walcott’s son, Omir.

Alvin Bragg also commented on Barrow’s actions.

“Khalid Barrow strangled his cousin in her own home, all for his own financial gain. I am amazed by the resiliency of Nisaa Walcott’s family members, who have persevered through the horrific murder of their loved one by her own cousin. They attended the trial every single day, listening to incredibly disturbing testimony. No sentence can undo this family’s pain, but I hope they continue to heal from this terrible loss,” said Alvin Bragg.

An unspeakable betrayal is right.