Alex Murdaugh Made Max Contributions To Biden And Clinton

 March 4, 2023

By now, you may have heard of Alex Murdaugh.

Yeah, that Murdaugh. The family of South Carolina lawyers whose connections helped the family avoid jail time for the deaths of multiple people near their hometown.

Until now.

Alex Murdaugh is going to jail for the rest of his life for murdering his wife and son and then trying to cover it up. Murdaugh seems to have killed his family in an attempt to clear up the problems in his life, such as the upcoming trial after Alex's son Paul Murdaugh allegedly killed a high school friend while drunkenly driving his boat.

Daddy Murdaugh's solution to the issue was to kill his own son. Paul can't go through the legal process if he is dead, can he?

So that shows you what kind of a sick man Murdaugh is.

So sick, in fact, that he has been giving the maximum allowable donations allowed by law to Democrats for YEARS, including to the Clintons and President Joe Biden.

They were a sick and twisted family all the way around. This only confirms it.