Al Sharpton uses funeral of Jordan Neely to attack Ron DeSantis

 May 22, 2023

Notorious grifter Reverend Al Sharpton attacked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis during his address at the funeral of Jordan Neely, the man who died after he was subdued by bystanders for threatening New York City subway riders.

While Neely's death was certainly unfortunate, the actions of Marine veteran Daniel Penny were justified, according to bystander accounts and evidence from the scene of Neely's death.

That didn't stop Sharpton from attacking DeSantis during the funeral over his support of Penny. Sharpton stated, "I know, Governor DeSantis, that you're putting black history and LGBTQ and Latino out of the school, but I have a Bible to put in the governor's office. Because apparently, you don't know what the Good Samaritan was. Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan."

Bryan Griffin, DeSantis's press secretary, responded to Sharpton by saying, "Democrats never miss an opportunity to take a political jab and try to further divide our country — even at a funeral. Save your breath, Rev. Sharpton. These attacks simply don't work on Governor DeSantis. He is not afraid to speak the truth."

Witnesses who were present during the subway incident have relayed a story that paints Penny as a Good Samaritan in every sense of the word. Neely was violent and unstable and threatening people, and Penny, along with several other individuals, was brave enough to subdue him.

Those other individuals who assisted Penny aren't facing any charges, but Penny is being charged with second-degree manslaughter. The entire situation reeks of politics and racial bias, and if Sharpton believed in the Bible that he says he wants to put in DeSantis' office, he wouldn't be stirring up racial division.