ABC News calls out Biden's accusation of Israel's 'indiscriminate bombing' of Gaza

 December 18, 2023

President Joe Biden's statements regarding the Israel-Hamas war have not served him or his White House well.

It's so bad that at this point, mainstream media outlets that are typically friendly to the Biden administration's screw-ups are calling out the president, including a recent notable fact-check from ABC News.

According to Breitbart, last week, during a swanky Washington, D.C. fundraiser, President Biden told those in attendance that Israel was responsible for the "indiscriminate bombing" of Gaza.

The remarks were so outlandish that it even triggered a diplomatic situation with Israel, which prompted the White House, once again, to clean up Biden's asinine remarks.

Shockingly, even ABC News refuted the president's claim, noting that Israel has used "a historically high level of precision weapons usage in urban warfare," which is the exact opposite of Biden's disinformation.

ABC News contributor Steve Ganyard, a former State Department official and Marine Corps fighter pilot, clarified the situation for ABC News, which ran the report over the weekend.

The numbers assessed by the U.S. intelligence report would suggest a historically high level of precision weapons usage in urban warfare, according to ABC News contributor Steve Ganyard, a former State Department official and Marine Corps fighter pilot.

"Precision weapons are expensive and in short supply compared to ‘dumb’ bombs, but if Israel is using precision aerial weapons 55-60% of the time, then that is more than any country in the history of urban warfare," Ganyard added.

As Breitbart's Joel Pollak noted, the White House has failed to provide even a shred of evidence to back the president's false claim.

"Impossible to overstate the damage Biden’s statement to donors (! from @AIPAC!) has done. Israelis are mourning 8 dead today who fought the enemy face-to-face rather than “indiscriminate bombing,” as @POTUS put it. Israel will win but will not forget this betrayal. Nor should it," Pollak wrote on X.

Notably, a piece by Truthout indicated that Biden could find himself in quite the legal pickle after making such statements.

"In an interview with the U.K’s i News published Wednesday, former head of Human Rights Watch and international law lawyer Kenneth Roth said that Biden essentially admitted that Israel is committing war crimes and that his statement could be used as evidence that he is culpable in those violations," the piece read.

But then again, since there hasn't actually been any "indiscriminate bombing" on Israel's part, that probably won't happen.

It's fascinating to watch Biden and the White House scramble to appease all sectors of the anti-Israel left.