Hillary Clinton admits she couldn't achieve her goals in 2016

 September 21, 2024

When Hillary Clinton talks about her 2016 run for the presidency, she usually tries to frame it in a positive light.

It's taken YEARS, but Clinton FINALLY appears ready to call 2016's defeat what it was:


Instead of trying to come out and frame her 2016 experience as all sunshine and rainbows, Hillary Clinton is admitting that she didn't accomplish her goals in 2016.

"It would be exhilarating to see Kamala Harris achieve the breakthrough I didn’t," Hillary Clinton says in her new memoir.

Hillary published this passage:

"On 21 July, when Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Kamala Harris, the dream of seeing a woman in the Oval Office was suddenly back within reach. It wouldn’t be me; but it could be Kamala. History beckoned. But a whole lot of bigotry, fear and disinformation, not to mention the electoral college, stood in the way. Could we do it? Could we finally shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling and prove that in America there is no limit to what is possible?"

You're right Hillary, it won't be you.

Hopefully, it won't be Kamala Harris either.