JD Vance slams Jack Smith, alleges new Trump indictment is 'election interference'

 August 28, 2024

Many have long argued that special counsel Jack Smith's prosecution of former President Donald Trump was an effort by President Joe Biden's Justice Department to hamstring Trump's election chances.

According to The Hill, Trump's vice-presidential running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, isn't afraid to say it.

In the wake of a superseding indictment announced regarding Smith's case against Trump, Vance held nothing back as he accused Smith and the DOJ of attempting to "influence the election."

Smith kept the same charges as the original indictment but stripped some elements to abide by a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that afforded Trump some level of immunity.

Vance told reporters that "it looks like Jack Smith doing more of what he does, which is filing these lawsuits in an effort to influence the election.”

He added, "The reason the Supreme Court threw out his lawsuit is because they said it implicated the president’s official acts -- of course, which the president has immunity in conducting those official acts."

The Ohio Republican doubled down on Smith's latest attempt to get Trump.

“He [Jack Smith] should be ashamed of himself and it’s one of the reasons why we have to win, because he should not be anywhere near power,” Vance said.

President Trump also reacted to the new indictment across all of his social media channels.

"Deranged Special prosecutor Jack Smith along with a corrupt Grand Jury has just issued a superseding indictment against me again! I did nothing wrong! This whole case is a hoax sent by the Kamala Harris Justice Department. I have immunity!" Trump wrote.

Social media users, including many of Trump's supporters, reacted to the news and agreed with Vance's take on the matter

"Jack smith is an embarrassment, Kamala internal polling must be terrible with the BS lawfare happening again," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote "Jack Smith still has zero authority to bring indictments because he has not been confirmed by the Senate. No confirmation, no authority!"