Biden needs escort after 'visibly shaking' on Air Force One

 August 28, 2024

Joe Biden is simply getting too old and frail to run this country, and the latest incident involving Air Force One is proof of that.

The Daily Mail is reporting that Joe Biden was "visibly shaking" when he walked off Air Force One recently, and his tremors were so bad that "he struggled to step up into the SUV waiting to take him to the 8,000-acre Santa Barbara ranch where he and his family have just enjoyed a week-long vacation. One of his Secret Service agents moved to shield him from the watching cameras, before giving him a helpful boost into the car."

The whole time this was happening, Jill Biden just stood there and watched. It was a perfect metaphor for the last three years as Jill has simply stood by and watched her decrepit husband embarrass himself in front of the people he's supposed to be leading.

Biden has deteriorated so much that he's losing lifelong friendships over his desire to still run this country.

Reports have indicated that Nancy Pelosi and other Dems essentially forced Joe Biden out of the race by blackmailing him.

Things are truly turning into a presidential disaster in Washington, D.C.