Democrats' Plan to Knock Cornel West Off MI Ballot Fails

 August 26, 2024

Michigan Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford ruled on Saturday that presidential candidate Cornel West was inappropriately removed from the ballot and should appear for voters in November.

Redford stated that the Michigan Bureau of Elections must qualify West, provided he attained the necessary number of signatures, which he did.

West had been removed from the ballot earlier this month based on allegations of “defects in the notarization" of his affidavit of identity.

Redford stated that this decision by the Michigan Bureau of Elections “misapplied the law." It's worth noting that Michigan's Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, is a Democrat.

West responded to the decision with a statement saying, "This ruling is not just a legal victory -- it is a moral victory for everyone who believes in the sanctity of the democratic process.  Our campaign submitted over 26,000 signatures, significantly more than required, which the court recognized as a legitimate expression of the people’s will."

It seems Michigan Democrats attempted to force West off the ballot in an effort to aid Vice President Kamala Harris, as the thousands of votes that West will now take could be the difference between victory and defeat in the crucial swing state.