US ambassador to Mexico calls country's judicial overhaul a democracy 'risk,' threat to economy

 August 24, 2024

It's not just the United States of America where good people are being forced to stand up to the type of evil elites who want the world to only work for them and their friends, as there's proof it's happening in Mexico as well.

America's ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, is saying that the "judicial overhaul proposed by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador poses a 'risk' to Mexico's democracy and 'threatens the historic commercial relationship' between Mexico and the U.S."

The people of Mexico have NEVER been as free and prosperous as the people of America, and that's largely because their government has long been oppressive than ours. It's hard enough waking up every day and chasing the American dream that's dying, so can you imagine being in Mexico where it never existed?

There's a reason why Mexican people are fleeing their country by the thousands to get into America, namely, because it's better here.

However, the things that have made us great for so many years, like our Supreme Court, honest justice system, and democratic elections, all seem to be under attack.

When what's happening in Mexico is the same as what's happening in America, we have to take a long look in the mirror and decide if we're on the right path.

I have NOTHING against the great people of Mexico, but there's no debating that their government has restricted its people more than America's government has, and that's why so many Mexicans want to cross our border.