Pakistani national arrested for alleged plot to kill Donald Trump

 August 7, 2024

Former President Donald Trump nearly faced ANOTHER assignation attempt.

Asif Merchant, a 46-year-old man from Pakistani with confirmed relationship with Iran has been CHARGED for plotting to take out several U.S. politicians -- among the names on that list was Donald Trump.

FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed the whole thing, calling Merchant’s plan a “dangerous murder-for-hire plot.”

Wray went on to call Merchant’s plan “straight out of the Iranian playbook.”

“A foreign-directed plot to kill a public official, or any US citizen, is a threat to our national security and will be met with the full might and resources of the FBI,” said Wray.

We are so relieved that the FBI was able to stop Merchant before harm befell any member of this country -- especially Donald Trump who is still healing from the last assassination attempt he just survived not long ago.

It really is sick how threatened the world's radical liberals are by Trump. Maybe that's how we know he's doing something right.