Biden boasted he 'cured economy' days prior to global market rout

 August 6, 2024

Even if you HATE Kamala Harris, you have to admit that there was simply no way that Joe Biden could have made it through four more years in office, and she had to step in.

I'm not saying that it was appropriate at all how Democrats pushed Joe Biden throughout the primary process, parachuting in their handpicked candidate and making her the nominee with essentially zero democratic input, but even a corrupt and illegal nominee might be better than Biden if his or her brain works.

If you need evidence of simply how far gone Joe Biden really is, consider that he recently claimed, "I cured the economy."

One week later, economists were blowing the horn about a possible recession as American stocks fell sharply.

Do you know who wouldn't have let this happen?

Donald Trump.

Trump warned us that this would happen, but America wouldn't listen. Now that Donald Trump has been proven right, hopefully voters remember who was right and who was wrong about America's economy once we hit Election Day 2024!