Trump's debate-skipping strategy having ripple effect across USA

 July 27, 2024

When Donald Trump essentially called off the Republican primaries by skipping the debates and not giving his underdog opponents a chance to take their shots at him, many conservatives across America were calling him a genius.

Donald Trump isn't above the rules though, so if he can employ such trickery, other politicians across America are going to take notice.

Trump popularized the idea of skipping debates against opponents one would prefer not to confront, and now other politicians across America are utilizing the same strategy.

It might even come back to haunt Republicans at some point.

Senator Jacky Rosen, a Democrat from Nevada, has officially refused to debate Republican challenger Sam Brown.

Brown has been endorsed by Donald Trump, who has called him a "FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the ‘PURE GRIT’ and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic."

If Rosen has her way, Brown is never going to get to demonstrate those qualities in a debate.