Willie Brown jumpstarted Kamala Harris's early political career: Report

 August 1, 2024

With Vice President Kamala Harris prepping to sit atop the Democratic Party's ticket in November, her past is being scrutinized like never before.

According to the New York Post, her rise to political success in the state of California can be attributed mostly to her relationship with Democratic Party "kingmaker" Willie Brown.

Harris had a relationship with Brown when she was 29 and he was 60. At the time, he was also serving as speaker of the California Assembly.

That relationship came with a mountain of perks for Harris, who was gifted a BMW by her older lover along with lavish trips abroad and even appearances at the Oscars.

The Post noted:

Over the course of the relationship, Brown gave Harris a BMW, she traveled with him to Paris, attended the Academy Awards, and he even took her on a business trip to Boston where he was meeting Donald Trump, according to the 2021 book Kamala’s Way: An American Life by journalist Dean Morain.

At the time of their relationship in 1994, nothing was secret. The whole city, if not the state, knew that Brown had a lover, and a local newspaper even described her as “the speaker’s new steady."

In addition to the trips, cars, and popularity, Harris was also appointed to lucrative positions that required little work. Brown, when he was near the end of his speakership, appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission.

The gig paid $72,000 per year (a hefty salary in 1994) and only required monthly meetings.

In 2019, Brown admitted during an interview that they "dated."

He added, "Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco."

Given the obviously prominent role he played in her life and career, Brown, 90, has been interviewed by dozens of journalists who want to know more about his thoughts on his former young lover's rise to Democratic stardom.

Brown recently said he believes that President Joe Biden should resign and install Harris as president as soon as possible, as he thinks she'll have a better shot at beating Trump as a sitting president instead of a Democratic nominee.

Only time will tell what happens from here. She's expected to name a running mate in the coming days.