4 in 10 Americans believe it is time for impeachment proceedings against Biden

 May 21, 2023

A Rasmussen Reports survey released on Thursday found that 4 in 10 Americans believe it is time to begin impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden for “high crimes and misdemeanors."

A lot has to go wrong for a president to find himself in a position where nearly half the nation wants him impeached.

The survey found that Republican and Democrat respondents were predictably partisan. However, the independent respondents were sharply divided, with 39% favoring impeachment to 40% disapproving impeachment.

Rasmussen Reports stated, "Significantly more men (58%) than women voters (48%) believe it’s likely Biden has committed high crimes and misdemeanors since becoming president, and men are also more likely to favor Congress beginning impeachment proceedings. Voters under 40 are much less likely than their elders to think it is Very Likely that Biden has committed impeachable offenses as president, but older voters are less likely to believe Congress actually will pursue impeachment."

Overall, it seems that the tide is shifting, and President Biden is in real danger of being impeached by the Republican-held House.

Now, whether he is removed from office would be up to the Democrat-held Senate. Regardless, an impeachment would be a massive obstacle to Biden's reelection campaign.